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2.1 Object 



























For this assignment, we were required to draw objects and shapes on catridge paper using various shades of pencil. Then, we had to trace using different pen thickness on tracing paper. This assignnment teaches us how to apply different  lineweight where necessary. 






























In this assignment, we were supposed to draw out the plan, elevation, 3D view of a given shape. I was given shape 'F' where as the rest of the class was allocated 'X' and 'N' also. Another assigment given was to draw out the plan, elevation and 3D view of an object. I have decided to draw a powerbank alongside its dimensions.































2.2  Plan 



























This is the drawing of the ground floor plan. It is drawn on catridge paper using different pencils to create different lineweight. 



























The First Floor drawn on tracing paper and pens of different sizes were traced over it. 





2.3 Elevation 





























This is the side elevation that we have produced after completing the floor plans. It is to scale 1 : 75.



2.4 Section



























Section Y-Y 


























Section X-X 




The scale of the section of the house is  1 :100 and we had drawn two sections, section X-X and section Y-Y, for the assignment. Both sections were drawn on catridge paper .




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