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For this assignment, our task was to create a rhythm wall that represented our genre of music. For me, I had to do a rhythm wall that represented and expressed Electronic Dance Music in the best possible way.
I had decided to create a wall that showed the essence of EDM using three key words.
My keywords of choice were unity, exhilaration and euphoria.
I had chosen the word exhilaration because i understand that the feeling a person feels upon listening to EDM is exhilaration; a feeling of sudden excitement and happiness. EDM music is the epitome of that, it brings soaring emotions which gradually increases from the beginning till the end in a way that no other music can. The combination of beats and synthesized sounds blend harmonious to form music. In my design, I had chosen long tube lines to represent that emotion. As majority of the lines are placed vertically it seems as though it is elevating, moving upwards; similar to the way the music sounds like. Exhilarating. Bringing an emotional high to the audience. The element of lights also backs up the keyword, because the lights cast a beam along the long tubes, illuminating it upwards to show the direction of the model similar to the music, upwards. and Light represents the tempo of the music. As the speed of light is the fastest movement, light is used to describe the tempo of the music as fast and upbeat. Therefore exhilaration is one of my chosen keywords to represent the music.
Another keyword I had chosen to describe EDM is unity. EDM brings audience from all around the world together. It brings people together despite the differences in race, religion, or even distance. There is no discrimination of age or gender when it comes to EDM. Therefore, to show a sense of unity that EDM brings, I had chosen to portray the form of the wall where each vertical long tube is laid criss-cross, and intertwined; in a way that is not systematic, because there is no system when it comes the listeners of EDM. They are also laid touching or intertwining, touching one another to symbolize unity, the way EDM touches people and unites them.
Lastly, the last word to describe EDM is euphoria. Euphoria can be described as a intense feeling of positive emotion. This is what I feel when I listen to EDM. An intense feeling of happiness, joy and ecstasy. Listening to EDM is feeling an emotional high contained within a single person. That is why I had designed my wall with a frame or border, the frame signifies the containment of a person which is holding and refraining all the lines and tubes on the inside which is raw and random, which are the emotions of a person feels inside of them when they listen to EDM. A person feels as though they have to contain all the happiness and excitement when in reality they feel like bursting from emotion. Therefore the frame represents containing all the emotions that a person feels, emotions of euphoria.
The following design elements I had included are lines, space and shape. Lines to represent the sound of the music. The lines are arranged in a random but systematic manner, the same way the music of EDM may come across as random but there is actually an order in it. The way the music may sound messy and random but there is actually a orderly beat throughout the music. Shape is messy shapes to represent that EDM is not clear cut, there are many sub genres and styles within EDM. And space is to symbolize that the music is free, and is a way for people to feel free upon listening to it.

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